Take Action Checklist
We have a crucial opportunity right now to convince politicians to #RaiseTheAge to at least 14 years old. They have the evidence. Now, we need to show them just how much the community cares about keeping children out of prison and supporting them in our homes, schools and communities. That’s why we need you.

On the 1st of December 2023, all Australian Federal, State and Territory Attorneys-General are coming together to discuss their plans to address the minimum age of criminal responsibility.
Children as young as ten years old sit alone in cages across the country while these politicians come together to decide their fate.
That’s why, in the week before Attorneys-General meet, we’re conducting a Week of Action to demand our politicians #RaiseTheAge to at least 14 urgently and get the youngest children out of prison.
Sign and share the petition on social media or with friends and family.
Email your local politicians using a template letter we’ve created. It takes two minutes to add your details in and send the email off.
Spread the word about our Week of Action 2023 using our social media pack.
Explore Resources
Raise The Age Messaging Guide
A simple guide to talking to your friends, colleagues and local members of Parliament about why we need to #RaiseTheAge.
Email your local politician in your state or territory
A simple guide to talking to your friends, colleagues and local members of Parliament about why we need to #RaiseTheAge.
Council of Attorneys-General Submissions
In December 2019 the Council of Attorneys-General called for submissions on whether to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility and what an alternative system would look like.